Wednesday, 3 February 2010

There's more to life than books y'know.

But not much more!

Or so it would seem to the lowly art student when you're trying to make every page of your sketchbook into a full blown work of art (whilst also trying to make several ACTUAL works of art, all at the same time.)

Some people actually make sketchbooks as their art, 'Book Art' it's called. I became obsessed with book art for a term at college, and I aspired to make all my sketchbooks a beautiful object. I used to love sketchbooking so much, I would spend hours taking care over my journal, treating it with undivded love and attention, as if I was nursing a pet or a plant. Now I just don't have time for them, I got a boyfriend, a job, a facebook and just decided there were better things to do!

As I grew older I began to enjoy painting so much more, than the research/sketchbook side of my work. This has to change! I don't think I neglect my journals really, they just aren't as beautiful as they used to be. This is saddening! Especially when I look over my old journals and see how much effort I used to put in.

In my second year at Uni I do feel my journels were put on the back burner, but in my third year, where I am really tryingggg (emphasis on these words) to do well I am bringing the skethbook back to life, if it kills me! So if this means pain-stakingly painting every page of my sketchbook in gold, then for the love of God I'll do it!

These are some pages from my sketchbooks, from this semester, last semester and over second year and third year.

Oh and just so you know, some of the artists you can see here are Peter Blake, Christian Boltanski (my favourite artist of allllllll time), Marcel Dzama, Christine Borland and some others.

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