Saturday, 23 January 2010

And we'll tend the garden all day long

My Grandad had a greenhouse and in Summer we'd go down to the end of the garden and he'd show me all the things that were bursting into life. I remember it was so hot in there, the sun shone so bright on us then, and it always smelt of earth, and of growth. I used to love being allowed into that magical world, where things seemed to sprout into action before your very eyes.
Last year I remember in September time I went to see him, before he was ill, and as I left he got up and he pushed a handful of cherry tomatoes my way 'I grew those specially for you.'
When I grow up, I'm going to have a greenhouse at the end of my garden, I'm going to grow flowers, in every colour you can think of. When they grow tall and strong in the light which will shine on me there, I'll say to the clouds; 'I grew these specially for you.'

These were some polaroid photos I took of my Dad's greenhouse. My project was about traces of people and the impact a person leaves on their environment. My Grandad also had a greenhouse, and he loved to grow things. Sadly he died at Christmas and I miss him very very much.
My Dad started growing all kinds of things a couple of years ago and he loves it. Theres real pride in growing something, tending to it everyday, looking after it and guiding it into life.
When I get older I so badly want to have a Greenhouse and watch my flowers grow, and teach my children all about growing things and looking after things, and cherishing life. After all my Grandad looked after me.
I love it on a Sunday afternoon if I walk down to the bottom of my garden you can bet your life my dad will be sat in his greenhouse watching his plants grow. Sometimes he's even asleep. If I ever get one I know I'll always think of them as I sit and watch the plants bloom into life.

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