Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Now Sleeping in these Peaceful Groves

I put up my 3rd year exhibition today (for this semester so far.) The exhibition consisted of 14 x A1 ink drawings. My work was about death mostly, the aesthetics and ideas behind it.
I chose to look at dead insects firstly, which you can see in my little trinket box (and in my previous post) I became really fascinated by how weird these creatures became in their deathly state, and when you looked at them in such detail. I sourced images of dead animals & I moved onto painting dead birds, dead foxes, dead deers, dead rabbits, and made a series of paintings (around 90 in total!) of these creatures, I found it especially interesting if they were twisted, contorted, rigid, somehow changed in their death.
I worked in black drawing ink for most of the images, but began to introduce colour into my birds, butterflies and deers. I was interested in bringing these flashes of colour in but also I was interested in the scale of the things, a tiny fox next to a gigantic butterfly, or a mouse as big as a deer, I think the surreal aspect of the paintings is very important.
The drawings ended up being very beautiful things, which seems ironic when you look at my subject matter, but I think that's sortof my point behind it all.


  1. Absobloodylutely fantastic!!!

    Are any of these for sale?


  2. Hi
    well I'm just about to take them down from my exhibition so yeh sure, all/any of them!
    I've promised a couple of the ones that weren't in the exhibition to people on my course, but not any of these.
    is there any in particular you liked?
